Welcome to Codomania with Code-Decode!


CODO MANIA is an event proposed to judge the programming and problem-solving abilities of the contestants. It is a combination of crossroads, perfect encoding, and debugging for the technical minds to assess their programming skills, where accuracy was the key to scoring high in the competition. CODO MANIA comprises three rounds:

Team Size: 3

Time: 20 minutes for each round.


Location: ADMIN-119

Rules of the event

1.Codomania will have three rounds.

2.Round 1: “Crosswords”: Technical words and vocabulary will be thrown at the young technocrats, daring them to display their ability to articulate.

3.Round 2 “Programming”: Different keywords (tricky hints) will be provided to participants. They have to write a programme in C using those keywords.

4.Round 3 of “Coding-Debugging”: Three programming questions having syntax and logical errors will be given to the participants. They have to debug the given programmes and display the desired output.

5.The participant who will debug the three programming questions and display the desired output will be the winner of the event.